transporte hacia la ciudad


On your arrival to the city of Medellín, you should know we have two airports: On the one side, there is the  aeropuerto Olaya Herrera,

located in the south-west of the city, which receives private and domestic flights from some very specific regions of the country with exclusive operation of two airlines: Satena and EasyFly. One the other side, there is the José María Córdova International Airport, located in the municipality of Rionegro, approximately 40 minutes from the city of Medellín, where most flights arrive at, and which receives most of our visitors. 


This means that you should consider taking another mean of transportation in order to get to our city. There are several options for different tastes and budgets that we share below:

Public buses

This is the cheapest transportation option with an approximate cost of $12,000COP or $3.50 USD approx. You can take it at the airport exit and it has two different routes: 

  • Route 1: Las Palmas, which will drop you off at the shopping center Centro Comercial San Diego, ideal if you are staying in the southern part of the city.
  • Route 2: Autopista Medellín – Bogotá, which will drop you off outside the Bus Terminal – Terminal de Transporte, ideal if you are staying in the northern part of the city.
  • Final Stop Hotel Nutibara. Any of the above routes ends at the Hotel Nutibara located in downtown.



At the airport exit you can easily take a taxi. You must know that cabs offer 2 types of service

Shared taxi: : In this case you will share the vehicle with 2 or 3 other people and the fare will be divided between the number of people traveling. This service is the middle point between comfort and economy since it has an approximate cost of $18.000COP or $5 USD. You should know that this cab will take the route from Las Palmas and will end its route at the shopping center Centro Comercial San Diego. However, if you bring a lot of luggage, you should consider another option.
Single-person taxi: As the name suggests, it is a private service that will provide the service from the airport to your destination. This is the most expensive option with an approximate value of $80.000 COP or $22 USD.

Other transportation platforms

Digital mobility platforms such as Uber, Beat, DIDI, and Indriver, among others, are transportation services that operate in our city; however, you should know that, although they are not prohibited, their service is not governed by any law, so if you choose to take any of them, it will be under your responsibility. 

The use of these platforms has variable rates that depend on the conditions of the service, so it is not possible for us to give an approximate.

El uso de estas plataformas tiene tarifas variables que dependen de las condiciones del servicio, por lo que no nos es posible dar un aproximado.


Private transportation services


If you plan to arrive at a hotel or hostel, you may possibly be offered transportation service from the airport. Evaluate the conditions of the service and see if it is a favorable option according to your situation. Again in this case the cost may vary, however, the established rate is $90,000 COP or $24 USD. Do not allow yourself to be charged much more than this. 

As a safety precaution, try to take your transportation in the places authorized for this purpose and with an authorized company.