life in MEDELLÍN




In terms of security, Medellín has been a changing city throughout its history, being recognized in 2013 as the most innovative, according to the Citigroup ranking, for our ability to overcome difficulties and reinvent ourselves. However, the golden rule when traveling to Medellín, and in general to Colombia, is “No dar papaya”, something that is expressed throughout the country, from the coast to Pasto and from Villavicencio to Medellín. This means not to be an easy target for malicious people, not to expose yourself or lower your guard at any time.

In every country globally there are security risks, and Medellín is no exception. However, the city has made an effort to transform and improve. In any case, we bring some tips to make your stay in the city quieter, safer and more enjoyable.

check  Try to go out accompanied at night

  • When you go out to party or have dinner, do it with friends. 
  • We recommend you not to walk alone in the street late at night.
  • Let your trusted contacts know where you are going to be, especially when you are going to new places. 
check Use authorized transportation services:

 As in all cities, in Medellín you are going to find a great variety of transportation options. We recommend the following:

  • To easily reach various destinations, use the integrated transportation system Metro and complementary bus routes which circulate in every corner of the city.
  • Take cabs from authorized companies in the city and the department.
  • When using individual transportation, get used to sharing the license plates or travel route with your close friend(s).
  • Try to keep your windows up during your trips, especially if you visit remote areas or the center of the city.

check  Keep an eye on your valuables.

Watch out for your personal belongings and valuables such as technological items, documents and money, especially in public places or places you do not frequent.

check  Bring some cash

Although most commercial establishments accept electronic payments, you will still see many other places, especially on the street, downtown or in the towns of the country, that only accept cash. Therefore we recommend you always carry some on hand.

It is also a good idea to divide your cash and keep it in different parts, so that in case you lose your wallet, you don’t lose your cash and cards too.

check  Go easy on the alcohol

Medellín has an excellent party atmosphere and is a great place to enjoy yourself to the fullest. We recommend you to moderate your alcohol consumption and stay in control of the situation; health comes first. 

Always choose places that feel safe and come with people you trust and know.